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Friday 15 June 2007

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Everyone loves free things and here is your chance to get a Halo 3 for Free!!

This is 100% legit no catches to it at all. You are probably thinking "Yeah right" or "There is obviously a catch" but as i have said before there are no catches.

4 Easy Steps On How To Get Your Free Halo 3 (Well 3 really)

You MUST read this blog in order to receive your Halo 3

1. In order to start your journey to a Halo 3 you must obviously sign up. Click HERE to sign up.

You must enter your CORRECT information which is only your address. This is only for the Halo 3 delivery. Remember it must be your correct information or they will send your Halo 3 to some other lucky person.

2. After signing up you need to complete an offer (I suggest uCan Car Credit. This is a free offer) Just fill in the form (Maybe fill it in with fake information if you wish) Then when your offer has been confirmed you are done. (Your offer may take a few days to be confirmed so please be patient)

NOTE: There may not be the Offer uCan Car Credit. If there isn't i am sure there is another FREE Full Credit offer. Just look through and you will find one at the top of the list saying in bold text
"This is a free offer to complete!" Just complete whatever they ask (Fake information if you wish) and then you have completed your credit.

3. All you have to do now is refer people like your friends, work partners or anyone you know. You only need 2 people to sign up and complete an offer.

4. Don't worry all you have to do now is wait! Wait for your Free Halo3 to come through in the post! (Remember Halo 3 is not out yet. It will be Pre ordered in till it is available)

Thats all you have to do!!! Easy or what! 100% safe 100% legit and 100% FREE!!


What do they get out of this?

You are probably thinking "Well what do they get out of this?" well here is how this system works:

The sites offering free stuff get a commission for every person that signs up for the free trials & offers.

For example lets call one of the sites offering you free stuff Site X:

Site X gets paid £25 for every person they get to sign up for blockbuster

Site X gets you to get 15 people to sign up for blockbuster on there behalf= £375

Site X sends you an Xbox360 worth £250

Site X profit = £125

Your profit = Xbox360 (and usually a months free DVD trial)
That’s it! That’s how it works Site X gets money because everyone that signs up for the offers does it through their link so they get commission and with the money they make they can afford to GIVE you a FREE Xbox360/PS3/ipod/TV etc.

(Info from Grab4Free)

It is easy fast and simple. So if you want your chance of getting your own Halo 3 click HERE and you will be on your way to getting your own FREE Halo 3.

Thank you very much and i hope you will enjoy Halo 3


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